This week at Beckett´s

Monday Feb 10th
20:45 h Inter Milano vs Fiorentina Seria A

Tuesday Feb 11th
18:45 h Brest vs Paris SG UCL
2¹ h Manchester City vs Real Madrid UCL

Wednesday Feb 12th
18:45 h Club Brugges vs Atalanta UCL
21 h Celtic vs Bayern UCL
20:30 h Everton vs Liverpool Premier League

Thursday Feb 13th
19 h Pub quiz

Friday Feb 14th
21 h Brighton vs Chelsea Premier League

Saturday Feb 15th
13:30 h Leicester vs Arsenal Premiér League
16 h Manchester City vs Newcastle Premiér League

Sunday (ROAST) Feb 16th
15 h Liverpool vs Wolverhampton Premier League
17:30 h Tottenham vs Manchester Utd Premier League
20:45 h Juventus vs Inter Milano Seria A

Tuesday, 11 February

Soup of the Day
Large soup w/ home made white bread – Please ask your server about type of soup because we change it daily
Velká polévka s domácím bílým chlébem – Prosíme zeptat se u obsluhy na typ polévky proto že jí měníme denně
Small soup of the day with main course due to offer – Please ask your server about type of soup because we change it daily
Malá polévka dne k hlavnímu jídlu dle nabídky – Prosíme zeptat se u obsluhy na typ polévky proto že jí měníme denně
Quesadilla w/ Dublin red cheddar & grilled vegetables served w/ chipotle salsa & sour cream – vegetarian
Quesadilla s grilovanou zeleninou a Irským cheddarem podávaná s chipotle salsou a zakysanou smetanou – vegetariánské
Buffalo spicy chicken wings (8 pcs) w/ fries and blue cheese dip
Smažená pikantní kuřecí křídla (8 kusů) s hranolky a dipem z modrého sýru
Pulled pork burrito w/ grilled peppers & red onion served w/ tomato salsa&sour cream
Burrito s trhaným vepřovým, paprikou a červenou cibulí podávaný s rajčatovou salsou a zakysanou smetanou
Pinsa Capricciosa – Roman light tomato based pizza w/ mozzarella, ham, mushrooms & olives
Římská lehká pizza na rajčatovém základu s mozzarellou, šunkou, žampióny a olivami
Beckett´s burger w/ Dublin red cheddar, Irish steaky bacon & onion jam,fries
Beckett´s burger s cibulovým džemem, Irskými cheddarem a slaninou a s hranolky
Beckett´s breakfast : bacon, sausages, eggs, rosti browns, beans, champignon mushrooms, tomato, fresh toast w/ butter
Beckett´s snídaně : slanina, klobásky, vajíčka, hush browns, fazole, žampióny, rajčata, máslový toast
Beef & champignon mushrooms pie w/ gravy and mashed potatoes
Masový koláč plněný hovězím a žampióny s bramborovou kaší a gravy omáčkou

Our pub

Visit Ristorante Leggero

Our partner Irish bar in the heart of the vineyards is the perfect retreat for those looking for a warm and friendly atmosphere. It features a traditional Irish authentic wooden interior, mysterious stories hung on every wall and an unforgettable atmosphere that engulfs you the first time you step inside.

Our Irish bar is the perfect place to meet friends, relax after a long day or celebrate life with live music and a glass of your favorite drink. Let yourself be enchanted by the charm of a true Irish bar and discover a place where tradition and joy meet with every drink. Come and join us and let yourself be carried away by the homely atmosphere.

You can find us right across from Ristorante Leggero at: Londýnská 22, Prague 2


    The reservation will be confirmed after the restaurant’s approval.


    Based on 857 reviews

    Pavel Verunac
    Pavel Verunac


    marion uschold
    marion uschold

    Nette Pub. Hatten Bier und nen Spritz. Alles zu empfehlen

    Henry Oforidankwah
    Henry Oforidankwah

    Great venue for sports fan and food


    Great atmosphere, great beer,Had so much fun,if you’re lucky enough to watch a great Champions League game, you feel like a stadium.I strongly recommend it!